Friday, September 5, 2014

One Week Down...36 more to go!

Some of you may not know that for the past 5 years I homeschooled.  Yah, I know, you are so patient, how could you do it! I never could...yadda yadda.  Get over it! anyone CAN IF they try.

My boys are this year in grade 7 and grade 3 and decided to join the working force of back to schoolers, so this is the end of week 1.

Funny part is my oldest still has yet to start.  maybe next week when they figure out that homeschooling in Ontario does not have any rules, monitoring or testing. 

Going to the gym has to wait until next week, and packing lunches for my picky 8 year old is awful!  I'll keep trying but he comes in the kitchen in tears to tell me all the treats his friends are eating that he isn't! think cookies, candy etc.

well, no learning for boating this week not even swimming, now that they are going toschool our swim lessons aren't happening with our homeschool group, sigh. when this all starts to become a routine I will look into weekend programs.